X.com / @tencents77 called me a Nazi
Because the indentured servants and slaves of this country fought the greatest power on earth as the biggest underdog in world history, and won their independence and freedom. Then they created from nothing the greatest country in the history of the world in terms of freedom, justice, and opportunity, as well as upward mobility, promotion, and the achievement of wealth. I can see why everyone in the world would want to live here, but everyone in the world is not going to fit here. The better point is: instead of straining our resources of Medicare, Medicaid, and social security, why not send these people back to their own country so that they may pick up arms and fight the gangs and drug dealers that have stolen their homeland, and then they can recreate their country in the image of America, becoming their own shining city on the hill, in South America. In this way they would have pride, their own home, their own country, safety from gangs and predators, and not have to complain about how great white Americans are. We could even help them in their fight. But it is hard work that will accomplish this, not escaping reality. I don't want them here, because I want them to have the same things I have, in their own home, in their own country. You wouldn't have had the balls to go fight the Nazis. It's for reasons like that I don't think you deserve to say what happens in this country, believe it or not. Brave Americans fought the Nazis because of the horrible things that they perpetrated, stood for, and preached. Should American lives always be a sacrifice for others when others are able to stand up and say what they should, fight when they should? For the same reason, the migrant people should stand up to the murder and violence that is happening down in Mexico and Central and South America, since it is those countries that are forcing them out in the first place. And this whole line of logic doesn't begin to address the inputs and precursors of fentanyl production that are being sent to Mexico by the Chinese and given to migrants to bring up into America and kill many people in this country, your country. You seem like the kind of person that takes drugs, aren't you worried?